Conceived by the author Luigi Politano and the writer Mirko Zilahy, Tempesta is a leap in the world of darkness, made of drawings and suggestions of evil that recall the horror comics with an hint of mistery and intrigue.
Little gems of italian Thriller and Noir literature, take shape through drawings almost like a film adaptation.
The selected stories have been readapted and in some cases even modified by the authors themselves, to make the comic book more gripping and completely new also for the readers of the original novels. The first book "La forma del Buio", will be premiered at the October edition of Romics.
The panel will be attended by the three authors: Mirko Zilahy, curator and author of the series, Romano De Marco, author, Francesca Bertuzzi, author; the comics illustrators Domenico Esposito and Mario Schiano, the editor Emanuele Bissattini and Luigi Politano, Round Robin Editrice.