On the occasion of the Centenary of the end of the First World War, the adventure of Audace Savoia make their return with a new fascinating comic-book story entitled “L’Audace Savoia e la Grande Guerra”.
The initiative, created in collaboration with the prestigious Scuola Romana dei Fumetti, will be presented with the participation of Massimiliano Monnanni, President of Asilo Savoia and all the guys of the team “Montespaccato Savoia”.
The use of comics as a dissemination tool of the activities of the project «Talento e Tenacia» allows to reach a larger number of readers (youngs and adults), through a simple and direct form of communication devoted to an educational role.
On Friday, 5 October, 2018 - from 12:15 to 13:15 - PAVILLION 9 - PALA COMICS LAB E CARD GAMES - COMICS CITY