Comics City: New Talents Area, Area Pro & Ask a Pro

The Comics City of Romics proposes itself as a meeting place, a space devoted to authors, publishers, experts and professionals of the sector to learn more about the latest news, emerging talents, carry out professional activities, listen to fresh proposals and promote a relationship between creativity and work experience.


There are many young people who for years have been attending the world of comics, publishing, art and graphic with the intention of improving their own techniques and learning from those who has made its passion its profession.   


Comics City provides New Talents Area and Area Pro - Ask a Pro.


New Talents Area – A meeting space for artists and professionals of the sector


Are you an author in search of new opportunity?  Do you want to present your works?  Do you think to have a significant portfolio?  
Romics makes available an equipped area where it will be possible to create illustrations, comic books, become known and promote your self-productions and projects.

Sign up online by and no later than Friday 13 September 2019 and receive within September 20 the confirmation of the time slots dedicated to you.   


Area Pro - Ask a Pro


Romics organises a programme of professional meetings to facilitate contacts between publishers and authors.  
Take part in the sessions of portfolio review in a special space and present your portfolio to the attention of publishers and/or talent scouts participating in the project.