Scriptwriter Tito Faraci Golden Romics of the XXVI edition


From Topolino to Diabolik, from Spider-Man to Captain America: a monographic exhibition and special events dedicated to the brilliant career of the artist


Scriptwriter Tito Faraci will receive the Golden Romics during the XXVI edition of the Festival, scheduled from 3 to 6 October. Born in Gallarate, in 1965, Faraci is regarded as one of the best italian comics writers.  He created many stories for Topolino: his mentor was Giorgio Cavazzano with whom he established a longstanding collaboration.  His career continued with Dylan Dog, Tex, Diabolik, Magico Vento, among others, and he was one of the first italian writers to work on american comic book characters such as Spider-Man, Devil and Captain America.


Also worth mentioning are some forays in the literary field. He adapted for Disney the acclaimed novel Novecento by Alessandro Baricco, choosing Goofy as main character. He published for Feltrinelli the novel La vita in generale (2015), and he created the script of the comic book Le entusiasmanti avventure di Max Middlestone e del suo cane alto trecento metri (in collaboration with Sio; 2016; new edition: 2018) and Il pesce di lana e altre storie abbastanza belle (alcune anche molto belle, non tante, solo alcune) by Maryjane J. Jayne (in collaboration with Sio; 2018). Since 2017, he is editorial manager of Feltrinelli Comics.


At Romics Tito Faraci will attend a special meeting with the public for celebrating the Golden Romics award and retracing his career as a comics writer, from the beginning in the nineties up to the present days. The author will also take part in a panel discussion on the relationship between script and illustration with the presence of important authors who worked with him.


A wide exhibition itinerary that will portray his rich and multifaceted comics production: many original works created by great illustrators who collaborated with him during his career may be admired during the four-day festival.