The style of Giorgio Cavazzano between Science Fiction and Fantasy

Born in Venice in 1947 Giorgio Cavazzano is regarded as one of Disney’s most famous comic book illustrators. At the tender age of twelve he started his apprenticeship with his cousin, the cartoonist Luciano Capitanio continuing then with Romano Scarpa. Giorgio made his debut as illustrator in 1967 with the story ‘’Paperino e il singhiozzo a martello’’, while his first script for Disney was in 1985.


His style marked a watershed between a classic and a modern phase in Disney. During his career he created numerous characters, from Reginella to Umperio Bogarto, from Ok Quack until the most recent Rock Sassi. Among his truly unforgettable works we can mention the Disney parodies of cinema masterpieces.  Outside the Disney world he has created many extraordinary characters such as Walkie & Talkie, Oscar and Tango, Altai & Jonson (in collaboration with Tiziano Sclavi), Smalto & Jonny, Capitan Rogers, Timothy Titan, Maledetta Galassia (in collaboration with Bonvi). Ha has also worked in the world of advertising and received many awards for his work as a comics artist.


Cavazzano was awarded the 2004 Golden Romics.


Cavazzano was protagonist of an exhibition rich in original works, signing sessions and special events.


Giorgio Cavazzano tra Fantascienza e Fantasy



Giorgio Cavazzano a #Romics25