Giuseppe Camuncoli - Golden Romics of the XXI edition

Giuseppe Camuncoli - Golden Romics of the XXI edition

Giuseppe "Cammo" Camuncoli, class 1975, made his professional debut  in Italy together with writer Matteo Casali with the self-production BONEREST, later translated and published in the Usa by Image Comics. After some other Italian publications, he landed in the american market with the series Swamp Thing, written by Brian K. Vaughan. Since then he has been working for DC Comics and Marvel on titles such as Hellblazer, Batman, X-Infernus, Wolverine & The X-Men, Batman Europa and Amazing Spider-Man. He is currently working on All-Star Batman written by Scott Snyder and, with Max Landis, on Skybound series Green Valley (published in Italy by Saldpress). Camuncoli is also artistic director (and professor) at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics of Reggio Emilia, city where he lives with his wife Jessica and the daughter Martina.