Great exhibition dedicated to comics, Golden Romics, cinema and illustration. Two extraordinary career itineraries of Marco Gervasio with From Topolino to Fantomius, the amazing adventures of Marco Gervasio and The dream, the magic and the poetry: Charlotte Gastaut between Illustration and Fashion; Diabolik as seen by Sergio Zaniboni. Visual Path and Live Performance with 25 Anni di Scuola Romana dei Fumetti in Mostra, an exhibition that has retraced 25 years of Scuola Romana dei Fumetti through a selection of remarkable collaborations, from comics to theatre, cinema, institutions, cartoons and live drawing performance with many different authors of the school. The Italian Pencillers winning the Romics Comic-books Contest , an exhibition itinerary dedicated to the great variety of italian comics; Evangelion Sci-Fi Anime Attack and Take My Revolution! Utena, 20th Exhibit, an exhibition to celebrate Evangelion and the double twentieth anniversary; Makinarium, with Dreams and nightmares of the great genre cinema: sci-fi, fantasy and horror and RevolutionArt. 12 artists for the '68 together with Scuola Internazionale di Comics to express the creative freedom of the riots of ‘68, which have shaken the basis of western society and not only.