K-pop Contest Italia Special Romics 2019


K-pop Contest Italia Special Romics the long awaited event of korean popular music reaches this year its fifth edition. The roman show, born thanks to a collaboration between Romics and @KCI, will see the most beloved korean artists and musical groups performing the most involving coreographies on the stage of Pala Romics.


An event which draws the attention of the new generations of pop music, where it is possible to prove themselves and having fun as a soloist or in a group representing the coreographies of the most beloved artists of the korean scene.


A very unique opportunity, where passion for dance, music and cosplay join together.


So what are you waiting for? Participation is easy: registration will be possible until 18 March 2019.


Follow the guidelines as described in the following regulation, choose the coreography and then complete the participation form.


We are expecting you at Romics on Saturday 6 April!