Pala Comics Lab and Card Games

Cards, role games and gaming will be the heart of Play Space at pavillion 9 with the latest news and product previews that can be played and purchased. Santa Maria, The Chameleon and Suicidium Party! Real titles for board games enthusiasts to which is added the presence of Red Glove, publisher of Vudù, Rush and Bash, then the Cranio Creations, creators of Nome in Codice, Lorenzo il Magnifico and Sagrada. Great attention to the world of  card games with demos and TCG tournements: Magic The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Cf Vanguard, Pokémon, Dragon Ball and Force of Will. In addition, thanks to Mantus Gaming, video game blows up with as many as 30 PC gaming stations where it will be possible to play with: Hearthstone, Minecraft, Overwatch, League of Legends e Fortnite.